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Our grounding sheets have been meticulously crafted by wellness experts to help improve sleep quality, lessen pain, and enhance overall wellbeing. Each sheet is made from 100% organic cotton and woven with high-quality conductive silver fibers, to connect you to Earths natural energy and boost your wellbeing.

  • Backed by science

  • 30 day money back guarantee

  • 86% reduction in pain after use of grounding mat as shown in clinical study

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Regular price £48.00
Sale price £48.00 Regular price
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What's included?

This includes the grounding sheet, which is made from 100% organic cotton and is woven with silver fibre, and also a cable to with your chosen outlet type.

What size is the sheet?

Our sheets are 230x90cm to ensure they are wide enough for whatever size bed you have!

They work for:

✅ Single

✅ Double

✅ Queen

✅ King

✅ Californian King

When can I expect to see results?

Results may vary with each individual but our customers report noticeable results within just 10 minutes of you using our sheets.

The longer you use it, the more benefits you will see. One of the patients in our clinical study reported a 50% pain reduction after 6 days of use, and then a whopping 90% pain reduction after just 12 weeks of use!

What do these sheets help with?

These sheets are clinically proven to help reduce pain, inflammation and stress levels which will massively boost your quality of sleep while also improving your general wellbeing.

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What is grounding?

"Earthing" or "Grounding" is like connecting to the Earth's natural energy.

It means physically touching the Earth, often by walking barefoot on grass or soil. This lets us absorb the Earth's gentle negative charge, which gives us a boost in energy and balances our body's systems.

Our grounding sheets replicates earths natural negative charge which is why these sheets produce amazing effects.

  • ★★★★★


    Pain Relief at Last

    "I've suffered from chronic pain for years, and nothing seemed to help. After using the grounding sheet, I noticed a massive reduction in pain within a month. It's incredible! I can move more freely and enjoy activities that I had to give up before. This sheet has truly changed my life."

    John O.

  • ★★★★★


    Best Sleep Ever!

    "I've always had trouble sleeping, but since using the grounding sheet, my sleep quality has improved dramatically. I fall asleep faster and wake up feeling refreshed and energized. It's like a miracle! I can't believe how much difference it has made in my life."

    Jess T.

  • ★★★★★


    Stress-Free and Relaxed

    "As someone with a high-stress job, I was constantly feeling tense and anxious. The grounding sheet has been a game-changer for me. I feel more relaxed and less stressed after a night's sleep on it. It's like I'm connected to a source of calm energy that helps me get through the day with ease."

    Jim M.

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Real People, Real Results

We've helped changed many lives with our sheets.

Here's some of the results from our clinical study:


reduction in pain after use.


had a MASSIVE reduction in stress


had a 2.7x improvement in blood flow which reduced risk of cardiovascular issues

*As per this study

Never lose sleep again...

Drift into pain and stress free sleep with our sheets and wake up rejuvanated and ready for the day ahead!

  • We prioritise customer satisfaction above all else.

    With Our 30-Day-Money-Back gurantee, customers can purchase with confidence, knowing their experience is our top priority.


How do grounding sheets work?

Grounding sheets work by connecting you to the Earth's natural energy through conductive materials woven into the fabric. This connection helps to balance the body's electrical charge and reduce inflammation.

Are grounding sheets safe to use?

Yes, our grounding sheets are very safe to use.

Can grounding sheets help with specific health conditions like insomnia or chronic pain?

Many of our customers have found tremendous benefits for these health conditions.

These findings are also maintained in this clinical study.

Do grounding sheets need to be replaced regularly?

Our grounding sheets are designed to be extremely durable, but over time, the conductivity of the fabric may decrease.

It's a good idea to replace them every 1 to 2 years to maintain optimal performance.

Can children or pets use grounding sheets?

Yes, children and pets can safely use grounding sheets.

Can grounding sheets be used on any type of mattress?

Yes, grounding sheets can be used on any type of mattress, including memory foam, innerspring, and latex mattresses.

Our sheet also comes wide enough for any bed size you have.

Is it necessary to sleep directly on the grounding sheet?

For the best results, it's recommended to have direct skin contact with the grounding sheet. However, you can place a thin cotton sheet over it if you prefer.

Can I travel with my grounding sheet?

Yes, our grounding sheets are portable and can be easily packed for travel. You can use them in hotel rooms or other accommodations to stay grounded while away from home.

What's your return policy?

We have a 30 day no questions asked return policy because we know you'll love our product!

Just get in touch at